We’ve established that credential management is case management and described how low-code application platforms like ServiceNow can be used to standardize the onboarding process. However, just because the provider has been successfully onboarded does not mean the credential management work is done.  

Once onboarded, the credential holder must maintain ongoing certification requirements, continuing professional education (CPE), currency maintenance, and similar activities. Through an employee service portal, the credential holder can report CPE events, practice hours and activities, report renewed or upgraded licenses/certifications, and similar activities. The reporting is initiated through a simple online form, but the platform allows the user to attach pertinent documents directly to the case (e.g. a newly issued license, etc). Depending on the event type, it may be an additional self-reported item on the credential case or will trigger a workflow for the evaluation and adjudication of a new or upgraded license. 

Unfortunately, adverse events occasionally occur. The reporting and tracking of these events can be handled through a separate workflow but will be associated with the credential holder’s parent case. This powerful association ensures the event is associated with the credential holder and the adjudication of the event will be associated with the overarching credential management case which eliminates the need for an integration with a separate system. As an example, let us consider the report of a medical malpractice claim for a federal healthcare provider. Since this claim could become a potentially compensable event, the report, investigation, and adjudication must be handled with great rigor.  

Since the initial onboarding case, currency maintenance, license renewals or upgrades, and adverse events are all contained in the same system, the complexity of reporting is greatly streamlined. The platform contains robust native reporting capability to make it easy to proactively report on and improve the management of credentials and events. All data stored within the case management system can also be directly interfaced/integrated with 3rd party analytic/cloud tools and exported from any existing report or table in CSV or Excel formats.  This level of reporting combined with the transparency of case status to authorized users will greatly mitigate an agency’s risk and improve performance. 


Whether the credential is medical, investigation, or law enforcement, or other, an integrated case management solution with flexible workflows and integrated reporting will greatly improve transparency and fairnessLeveraging a modern low-code platform like ServiceNow will provide agencies with the tools required to modernize their credential management systems.