January 9, 2020

Understanding SEAD 3 and SEAD 6: Challenges and Solutions

On September 29, 2016, Executive Order 13467 was amended by then-President Obama to designate the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) as the Security Executive Agent (SecEA). This role established ODNI as the governing authority for security policies not only within the Intelligence Community but across the entire federal government.

Two significant directives stemming from this authority are SEAD 3 and SEAD 6:

  • SEAD 3: Focuses on enforcing personnel self-reporting of activities that may impact positions of national security.
  • SEAD 6: Mandates continuous automated record checks of cleared individuals, a practice now implemented across more than one-third of security clearance holders, with plans for full inclusion across the workforce.

Challenges for Federal Agencies

The implementation of SEAD 3 and SEAD 6 presents unique challenges for federal agencies. Many struggle to encourage consistent and accurate self-reporting from personnel, as required by SEAD 3. Meanwhile, SEAD 6 has introduced a flood of data from continuous evaluation processes, leaving agencies unequipped to assess and respond to potential vulnerabilities in a timely manner. This data overload can result in missed opportunities to address risks effectively.

Chainbridge Solutions: Smart Systems for SEAD Compliance

Chainbridge Solutions is at the forefront of designing and delivering smart case management systems to support agency Personnel Security (PERSEC) organizations in meeting SEAD requirements. Our solutions include:

  • SEAD 3 Reporting Made Simple: A user-friendly portal that empowers personnel to efficiently submit self-reported information. The system anticipates reporting needs by allowing users to customize descriptions, categories, and other relevant details, ensuring accurate and relevant data collection tailored to the organization.
  • SEAD 6 Data Integration and Management: Advanced tools that intercept SEAD 6 data and automatically match continuous evaluation results to corresponding individuals and cases. This automation reduces manual workload and accelerates the identification and resolution of potential vulnerabilities.

Our systems not only ease the burden of data entry but also ensure agencies can maintain compliance with SEAD directives while safeguarding against threats.

Want to Learn More?

Discover how Chainbridge Solutions can help your agency streamline SEAD 3 and SEAD 6 compliance and protect against potential risks. Contact us to learn more, schedule a demonstration, or speak with our PERSEC and technology Subject Matter Experts. Let us show you how our solutions can transform the way you manage personnel security data.

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